“If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.”

Another week into October, and the rain has gone. This week is all about florescence, for everywhere you look, buds are unfolding, and blooms are appearing all in their quiet, natural manner. The distinct seasons in rural life have their charm, but Spring has to be the most enjoyable. It is like a party where… Continue reading “If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.”

Flowers are the music of the earth

Around the garden, hundreds of buds appear on the lush, dense foliage of the roses. Each day more blooms pop out, but after the recent rains and cool weather the process has slowed down. The weather is warmer now, and the first Spring flush is almost here. In some ways, it feels like waiting for… Continue reading Flowers are the music of the earth